Health and Wellbeing
Pilot evaluation

18th January 2017

Pilot Evaluation
The A Healthy Me pilot established that the curriculum can be effectively implemented within Barangay Health Centers, being facilitated by the center’s nurses or midwives. The pilot illuminated many program challenges for which solutions were identified, allowing greater understanding of the determinants for more successful implementation in the future.
The program impact demonstrated significant knowledge gains, particularly concerning sexual and reproductive health in pre and post surveys. Also important were the clearly observable connections developing between the participants and the government health staff. Whilst unquantifiable, an undeniable ‘magic’ occurred within the sessions as disadvantaged and neglected youth were given a space, time, and voice with an important member of their community. It therefore appears that the A Healthy Me program achieves its aim of providing comprehensive health education to ‘at risk’ female youth, together with building relationships with barangay health staff and enhancing access to health services.